
Now we needed to finalize the plan for the van. The bunk bed idea was thrown out as impractical and uncomfortable. We tried different options to fit the tandem diagonally across the back of the van. We even had a little back wheel with a child's rim and tandem hub made so we could reduce the length of the bike while still protecting the derailleur. Nothing would work.  We had to solve the bike problem before we could go any further.  After trying many different ways, we decided the tandem was going to have to go in on one of the walls. We came up with the idea to put a cabinet on the passenger side of the van and mount a bike rack for the tandem there.  We could have a place to put the bike and storage too! 

I spent a lot of time on the internet looking for things for the van. Everything was so expensive! We were thinking of getting an electric fridge, but Dang at New Image Van encouraged us to go with propane because we would burn out batteries frequently.  I also felt we needed to get the appliances before we built cabinetry so we would know exactly how they fit.  We could measure the actual item instead of relying on measurements off the internet.

Harvest Gold, but it works and it was cheap!

Once we decided to go with propane we might as well add a stove and furnace to the plan. I found a fridge and stove on for a fraction of the price they would have been new.   I found a furnace on ebay for $200 less than it was selling for everywhere else. Also, I purchase a sink on ebay for $7!   I found a sofa bed on the internet at Discount Van and Truck .

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